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Monday, 30 June 2014


For about a month I have been researching on how to revive a hard bricked Alcatel OT 918 (without N,D or Mix). It has been a hell of a job but finally I worked my way out of the trouble.I bricked my alcatel after trying to flash it with a ROM which was not meant for it. So it hanged on the boot loop .I further used SP flash tool and accidentally formatted the PRELOADER. to this point my phone couldn't boot up.I could only see the blue led whenever it was charging .

I came through several articles and solution in XDA and other technical sites but i was not able to revive it. I tried flashing it using the volcano box but it hanged up.A lot of people believe that formatting the MTK SOC chip preloader is an irreversible thing but I am here to give you hopes and procedure to revive your dead Alcatel.

Now this is what I did.


1. You will need this files .
2. Install usb drivers and make sure your it works well (by using another identical phone)
3. Run Sp falsh tool and select the alcatel scatter file.
4. Copy all the downloaded files in one folder for easy access.
5.Select and check every item from the ROM BACKUP  starting from the preloader,ds pl.....etc.
6. Connect your phone to the computer using the usb cable .PRESS VOLUME + continuously  then click download in the sp fash tool.


After flashing your dead alcatel will boot up .


1.Flash the CWM BY MARK by running sp flashtool and check recovery only (this allows you to flash clock work mode that will allow you to flash a working OS  to your phone.)

2.After a complete flash. Copy DEEP ROM.RAR  to sd and Start your phone in recovery (power + volume up)
3.Go to install rom from sd and select DEEP ROM ot flash new working rom.If you want to install ICS V5 FOR MARK ,repeat it from procedure 1 above .


Saturday, 28 June 2014


I want to share some helpful tips on how to fix simple computer problems; one of the common issues is slow booting process.

The more programs we install on our system, the more possible our system will slow to boot because most of these programs run or open at the startup. Most of the programs that run at the start up are messengers, antivirus, plugins and others.

To fix this program we need to configure the startup option and we will only select those programs that we want to run on the startup, to do this we will type the word “msconfig” in run or search text box on the start button then hit enter then System Configuration window will open, select Startup tab.

In this tab you will see all programs that open in the start up, now you have the option to select only those programs that you need to open, after you select all you need press Ok button, to take effect immediately your configuration you need to restart you system.


The Siemens Stiftung’s ‘empowering people.
Network’ offers inventors, practitioners and
social entrepreneurs a platform for dialogue
and cooperation. It creates transparency,
exchange knowledge, advance the use of
simple technology in practice Technologies for
basic needs”.
The core of this Network is the database
comprising intelligent low-tech innovations,
which enable a sustainable improvement in
basic needs in developing regions. These
solutions are the best rated innovations
submitted to the international “empowering
people. Award” competition.
The platform also offers the opportunity to
connect and create stronger and more goal-
oriented ties. These entrepreneurial initiatives
can counterbalance existential shortfalls in
supply as well as empower people to improve
the situation of their families and social
environment. Appropriate innovations were
identified by the “empowering people. Award“
– and the best valued solutions are being
added to a database that is available to the
public, thereby helping to promote both the
innovation and its practical application.
“The ’empowering people. Network‘ is an
online and offline platform which offers
ractitioners, social entrepreneurs, and
inventors the chance to dialogue with each
other. A transfer of knowledge on the content
of the internet platform is just as important as
a personal exchange of experiences on
successful business and financing models”,
states Rolf Huber, Managing Director of
Siemens Stiftung.
Together with partners, the foundation will be
implementing webinars for inventors and
social entrepreuners with topics that include
financing or evaluation. As from September
regional workshops will take place starting
with a practical workshop on marketing &
communication in East Africa. An
international“empowering people. Workshop”
for inventors and entrepreneurs will also take
place at the Research Conference of the Global
Social Business Summit in Mexico City in
The Network also includes the social
entrepreneurs of the Community Impact
Development Group (CIDG), initiated by
Siemens Stiftung and Ashoka. In addition, the
International Research Network on Social
Economic Empowerment IRENE l SEE, jointly
founded by Siemens Stiftung and Zeppelin
University Friedrichshafen, will also be


As we all know,Apple is the number 1 brand in the world,its products defines the class and personality of the person who uses. Products of apple like ipad,ipod,Macbook and Apple Desktop all are very innovative in design and best in performance.

Steve Jobs has set a standard for Apple company and defined what technology is.So for that ,one has to pay a handsome price to own the apple product.
When i use to go to apple store ,i just keep staring at the desktop because i wanted to buy it since years but as it is too expensive i am unable to do buy it.But one day ,not far,will come when i will own all the apple products .



Directional antennas are always used in radar system to increase the range and better resolution.
The measure of sharpens and directivity of the radiated beam from the antenna is, however, dependent on its requirements. If the radar is being used simply to locate the position of target and not the height from horizontal, then a sharp beam is radiated in the horizontal direction to give high azimuth resolutions while sharp beam in the vertical direction.

In all types of radars, a mechanical motion of the antenna is accomplished to vary the direction of beam radiated from it. The process is called antenna scanning. In radars used for navigational purposes, scanning is performed by rotating the antenna about a vertical axis. In height-finder radars, scanning consists of rapid rocker motion in the vertical plane with much lower azimuth scan about a vertical axis.

Monday, 9 June 2014


NgSpiceone of the popular and widely used free, open source circuit simulator from Sourceforge. NgSpice is developed by a collective effort from its users and its code is based on 3 open source software packages:- known as:- Spice3f5 , Cider and Xspice. Ngspice is a part of gEDA project which is growing every day with suggestions from its users, development from its contributors, fixing bugs and approaching perfection. As its a collaborative project you can suggest improvement of the circuit simulator and be a part of the development team.

GnuCap - is another open source project, developed as a general purpose circuit simulator. Known widely as GNU Circuit analysis package, this linux based circuit simulator performs various circuit analysis functions as dc and transient analysis, ac analysis etc. Developers have incorporated spice compatible model for MOSFET, BJT and Diode.

CircuitLogix - this student version software from CircuitLogix enables you to perform analog, digital and mixed mode circuit analysis and simulation.  This SPICE simulation software provides 4000 devices on its student version which is 1/3 of the pro version. This circuit building software give access to switches, linear IC and digital IC, FET, Transistors, relays, displays, signal generators, SCR’s, opto isolators, photo diodes, semiconductors, motors etc.

LTSpice is a widely popular SPICE simulator from Linear. LTspice is a free circuit simulation tool from Linear Technology corporation. This simulation software is considered as one of the best freeware available. Highlight of LTspice is much fast simulation of switching regulators with enhanced SPICE (compared to normal SPICE simulators).LTspice gives access to over 200 op amp models, transistor models, MOSFET models etc. A high disadvantage of LTspice is its proprietary code base which is licensed by Linear Technology. Had they made it open source, LTspice could have gone places with collaborative development.
Note: LTSpice is considered as the BEST circuit simulation software available by users.

MultiSim is a student version circuit simulation software from National instruments. As you know, student versions always comes with limited access. Still this is a great simulation tool for beginners in electronics. MultiSim, the circuit maker software enables you to capture circuits, create layouts, analyse circuits and simulation. Highlight features include exploring breadboard in 3D before lab assignment submission, create printed circuit boards (PCB) etc. Breadboard simulation is possible with Multisim circuit simulator.

TopSpice - this is a demo version circuit simulator from Penzar. This electronic simulation tool is tailored to work with Windows only and its is compatible for Windows XP/Vista/7.  TopSpice is a mixed mode mixed signal digital,analog, behavioral simulation software. It offers both Pspice and Hspice compatible simulation of circuits.

Circuit Simulator 1.5j - is a freeware circuit simulation tool. I have not used this tool or even attempted a try. I add this as a suggestion from a user in our forum. I think this is just basic tool with very basic functions, created for starter purpose. Use at your own risk.

MacSpice - is a free circuit simulation software for Apple Macintosh users. This circuit simulation which is compatible for PowerPC and Intel architecture Apple Macintosh (MAC pc) computers is derived from Berkeley Spice 3f5 . This breadboard simulator can perform simulation ranging from a single resistor to an integrated circuit with thousands of devices and components packed together.

5Spice is a free analog circuit analysis and simulator with many great features which includes a user expandable library of Spice/Pspice models, save any number of analysis results, integrated graphing of simulation results, student level MOSFET IC design etc. The focus is emphasized on analog circuit analysis and design at component level. 5Spice is mainly designed for students and educators, rather than industry professionals. Latest version of 5spice is released on October 31st 2001 – v 1.65.

Beige Bag - is a demo version of the original paid version of Beige Bag circuit simulation software. Developed based on B2 Spice, this software is mixed mode, power packed, fast and easy to use. Well try the demo version before you decide to buy.

Micro-Cap 10 - is another demo version circuit analyzer and simulator from Spectrum Soft. As they claim its a mixed mode digital/analog circuit simulator with an intuitive user interface, fast simulation and great performance. I haven’t tried this yet, so if you are interested try your own.

PECS - is a free power electronics circuit simulator created by Richard Tymerski. You can download the various manuals and tutorials from the website before start using the simulation tool.

Proteus - Prospice is a mixed mode, Spice based simulation tool from LabCenter. They have two versions, basic and advanced. Basic version is free which supports interactive simulation only while advanced supports a range of useful functions and features like graph based analysis which includes frequency, noise, distortion, fourier parameters etc.

QUCS - Quite Universal Circuit Simulator is a free simulation software developed on GNU/Linux environment. Well this software really works on other operating systems such as Solaris, Apple Macintosh, Microsoft windows, FreeBSD, NetBSD etc. User can simulate large signal, small signal and noise behavior of the circuit using this simple circuit simulator.

Solve Elec - is an electrical circuit simulator (free version) which is developed for Macintosh OS and Windows. It enables users to draw and analyse circuits (both electrical and electronic) functioning in direct current or alternating current, get formulas, verify equations, get equivalent circuits etc.

XSpice - is developed as an extension to Spice 3 by Georgia Institute of Technology. It has code modelling feature which enables user to add new models.
Okay! So far we have listed 16 free version circuit simulators, some of which are open source, some are licensed but free, some are demo/ student versions etc. And we have atleast one simulator for each and every operating system out there in the market. If you know some other free simulation software/tool, that’s so great, please share it as comments.
Now lets have a look at some enterprise circuit modelling software in the market.

Saturday, 7 June 2014


Huawei are not so hard to root because of their boot loader that are a bit accessible. It is not is also not vulnerable to getting bricked since writting on its memory is made easy.
Last week , I had a very bad experience on Alcatel OT 918 , lets stop this talk because it was really annoying.


To root Huawei ascend, you will need;

  •  Clockworkmod_5.5.0.4_u8185.img: Download it here  Mediafire 
  •  Superuser-3.1.3 [46] -efghi-signed Final.rar 
  • Copy the downloaded Clockworkmod to your micro sd and insert it to your phone.
  • Boot your phone to recovery mode (Hold volume up and power button till you see as above image) and choose Install update from memory card.
  • Trace your file on Micro sd (clockworkmod_5.5.0.4_u8185.img) ,select it and issue the permision to istall.file.
  • Restart and do the same to signed superuser .rar using the new recovery mode.



Some things are to extreme to perform due to terms and conditions of the affiliated firms on their services. Most of the service providers may not like you to flash their modems and so I may next time advise you to buy a modem that is open for all networks.

Unlocking Huawei E303 may not seem easy but it has been possible anyway.We decided to work towards unlocking it and typing this tutorial to you.

The only software that can unlock Huawei E303 for now is DC UNLOCKER .


1) Dc-unlocker software.

2) Dc-unlocker username and password loaded it credits.

3) Internet Connection.

4) Stubborn modem you want to unlock.


Step 1)
 Download latest version of Dc unlocker from the download store of their website

Step 2)
 Purchase Dc-unlocker credit from the site >> OR from their Dealers >>
Step 3)
 Insert and install you modem software on your computer.

Step 4)
Insert another Network provider sim on the modem, when it popup request for unlock code click "Cancel" and close the modem interface.

Step 5)
 Now open the Dc-unlocker software you downloaded and click on "Automatic detect" button, wait for some seconds it will show your device details.

After that click on server insert the username and password with credit you bought from Dc-unlocker site or dealers, you may click on "Check Login) to know the amount of credit on the account and to know if the username and password is valid.

Now click on "Unlockin" > Do the job.

It will connect online and unlock your modem within a minute. 4 credits was removed from my account remaining 6 credits after the unlock.

Step 6)
Remove your modem and insert it again and shout yeeeey!


Additional Idea For Students (MAKE MON€Y).

As you all know Huawei E303 is the latest modem from MTN and I personally went to Main Market today because of this and am willing to pay even 1,500 for it, but to my greatest surprise all the so called Gurus they have there can't unlocker the modem to the extend that the no one device unlock in river road was able to unlock it haha.

Now you have understood how I unlocked mine today, buy credits from the dealers, rush into the market and showcase what I wrote above and pocket your money.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


  Free Web Hosting Providers 

The best things in life are free; but is this saying also true for web hosting providers? Yes, there are free web hosting providers that offer free web hosting. No monthly fees, no bills, no hosting packages; you get free web hosting services and even some perks that will help you create a professional web site for free.

Different free hosting sites have different features; but as it’s free, you can never tell if it offers reliable hosting features.

The basic feature of free web hosting services is web hosting with PHP & MySQL support; so your site can benefit from PHP–based web applications like Joomla, Mambo, WordPress, Drupal, SMF etc. Another feature that you may find is forced advertising; something that is very common in free hosting sites but not all of them have forced ads. Some of them give hosting with no ads at all.

Here is a list of free reliable web hosting providers to check out:

 they offer free hosting with absolutely no ads. You get 200 MB free web space and 4000 MB bandwidth per month. PHP4, PHP5, MySQL 5 database, Webmail access, FRP access, online file manager, Joomla support and FrontPage are some their features. When you subscribe, you get 5 free sub-domain names.

 this is a one of a kind reliable web hosting company that offers an Eco-friendly free green service plan. You get 250 MB of web space and 5 GB data transfer per month. Included are PHP5, MySQL, CGI, WordPress support and several free sub-domain names. They are powered by wind and 100% green energy.

 this is a business hosting site with no ads, no pop ups and no subscriptions. It provides 250 MB free web space, 5 GB monthly bandwidth, POP3 account, Webmail, FrontPage extensions, FTP support, PHP 4/5, MySQL, WordPress blogs, free sub domain names and many more perks.


 a no ads plan that provides 250 MB disk storage space, 5 GB monthly bandwidth, 5 Pop3/IMAP email accounts, PHP, MySQL, CGI, access to FrontPage and an efficient control panel.


 offers ad-free web hosting services giving you 6 GB disk space per account; plus you may have unlimited accounts per user. 50 GB monthly data transfer, FTP access, PHP, 3 MySQL databases and free sub domains are some of its features.


 they have a free web hosting plan that provides 100 MB web space, 3 GB data transfer, Webmail accounts, FrontPage support, PHP/MySQL, FTP support, efficient password protection and much more. The only disadvantage is that they have forced ads.


  allows 2.5 GB disk space with 100 GB monthly data transfer, 10 MySQL databases, FTP support and more.

Hosting Engine  Host-Ed 

free web hosting service offers 250MB disk space, 5 GB of monthly data transfer, domain hosting, latest MySQL versions and more.


 this is a free web hosting service which gives you 1000 MB free space, 10 GB of monthly bandwidth, 10 MB MySQL databases and more.


  Have you always loved the way how Computers in movies welcome their users by calling out their names? I bet that you too would want to know how you can achieve similar results on your PC and have a computer said welcome.

This is how to go through

Make Windows Greet you with a Custom Voice Message at Startup

To use this trick, follow the instructions given below:-

  1. Click on Start. Navigate to All Programs, Accessories and Notepad.
  2. Copy and paste the exact code given below.
Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome to your PC, Username"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
     3.  Replace Username with your own name.
     4.  Click on File Menu, Save As, select All Types in Save as Type option, and save the file as Welcome.vbs or "*.vbs".
     5.  Copy the saved file.
     6.  Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows XP) and to C:\Users\ {User-Name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista) if C: is your System drive. AppData is a hidden folder. So, you will need to select showing hidden folders in Folder options to locate it.
     7.  Paste the file.

 Make your Computer Welcome you at startup

Now when the next time you start your computer, Windows will welcome you in its own computerized voice.

Note: For best results, it is recommended to change sound scheme to No Sounds.
You can change the sound scheme to No Sounds by following the steps given below:-
  1. Go to Control Panel.
  2. Then click on Switch to Classic View.
  3. Then Click on Sounds and Audio Devices.
  4. Then Click on the Sounds Tab.
  5. Select No Sounds from the Sound Scheme option.
  6. If you wish to save your Previous Sound Scheme, you can save it by clicking Yes in the popup menu.
  7. Click on OK.
Change Sound Scheme to No Sounds

Try it yourself to see how it works. In my personal opinion, this is an excellent trick. Whenever I start my PC in front of anybody and the PC welcomes me, the fellow is left wondering how brilliant a computer do I have.


  Free Folder Protector

All of us have some files and folders that we consider private. They can be anything from our business documents to pictures of friends and family. These are files that we don't want other people using our computer to know about. As Windows offers no way to protect our private information, most of us get in awkward situations when these files are discovered by unwanted people.

Lock Folder Windows
Surely, you can store this information in a hidden folder. The only problem is that anyone can easily search the contents of a hidden folder using Windows Search itself.

The only viable solution is storing this content in a password protected folder so that only those people knowing the password of the folder can access it. There are many folder locking programs available online but the problem is that most of the good ones are paid. Even if you do manage to get a good free one, you will be looked at suspiciously when people see a folder locker in the list of your installed programs.

If you too find yourself in a similar situation, you can try Folder Protector, a password protector for Windows folders that is not only free but is also portable meaning that it does not need to be installed. Just click on the exe file and the program will start running. I have created this program based on suggestions and feature requests that I have received by email over the last two years.

Folder Protector

Folder Protector offers each user a protected folder that can only be opened by entering the password in FolderProtector. Unlike most security programs, Folder Protector is small in size (nearly 58KB) and does not show the folder that it is protecting. This gives an additional advantage that people who don't know the password do not have a target to try and hack their way into. As the software is portable, you can hide it or even delete it after protecting your folder and no one will have a clue that it was used. Then whenever you need to access protected files, you can re-download the program from this page, enter the password and access your protected files.

Download Folder Protector

Download for Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista

Download for Windows XP

How to use Folder Protector?
When you run Folder Protector for the first time, the program will ask you for a password that you want to use. Enter a password that you can remember as this will be the password to your protected folder.

Lock Folder With Password

After entering the password, the program will open a folder named SecuredFILES. This is your protected folder. You can add all your private files in this folder. This folder is located at the Desktop. After adding all your files, you may close this folder.

Then, you can use the menu in the program to lock your folder. To lock the folder, type lock as your action. After successfully locking the folder, FolderProtector will display that the folder is locked.

Free Folder Lock

Unlocking the protected folder is easy. Just type unlock as your action. Then the program will ask you to enter your password. Upon successfully entering the password, the program will display the contents of your protected folder.

Changing the Password: Just type change as your action. The program will ask you for your current password. Upon successful entry of the current password, the program will ask for your new password and change it instantly.

Acknowledgment: This software has been made possible only through the suggestions of readers of this blog, especially Ernell Albert Galido for his idea of using a menu based interface.

Windows Compatibility: This program has been successfully tested on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Support and Development
I will continue to develop this software further. So, your suggestions are invited. If you face any problem while using this software, you can use our support page and expect a quick reply.
BY  Akhilesh Sharma


I am ten minutes old from a mobile networks switching room.Everything seem digital nowadays but you will not easily understand the whole thing unless you start from studying the basic analog systems.

Anyway that was just my short techno-love story to keep your enthusiasm low. Remember this is for educational purposes only - am not trying to brew a red hat hacker in you . Just to make you a novice in working with different server firewalls.

Sometimes in campus you may try to log in to Facebook or youtube but you get an error ,or you may try to download something and everything gets to trouble.This is probably because this sites are controlled by the network administrator in your server.
No more stories now lets go to the procedure on how to do this trick happen.


1.Open your browser (Mozilla , Explorer etc)
2. Go to either of the following sites.


I like using this because it has never disappointing me.

3.In all of the above websites , they will give you a space to enter the site you want to log in to that is blocked by the firewall. E.g, youtube ,twitter etc.
As shown.

4. Then click go and walllaaaaah! there you go !


By using this style to bypass you firewall, is basically letting other computer in another server to work for you and give you the feedback as you expected .It may not be exactly how you want but your will be done.